Welcome to the website inspired by my village, my birthplace, I invite you to visit it , to have a rest in peace and harmony in the village rightly called "Plaisance"                                                                                         

"Tourists, do believe me,
                                                                                                                                        To Plaisance come,
                                                                                                                                       will regret"

       Follow the guide.

                - Where is Plaisance,this village, full of fierceless Gascons ?
                - Find the information which justifies a stay in Plaisance
                - See photographs, thirteen pages of pleasant photos of the village  ( but see the new digital photos)             -
                - See old postcards
                - A litterary text along the streets and the memories
                - The drawing of the webmaster,who is besides a painter
                - Related websites worth visiting
                - The e-mail and the address where you can join me , to express your reactions

                 - Do you want to speak Gascon?here are a few sentences and ... oaths

                 - See the gallery of two local artists Rouquet Alquier

                      -Not to be missed See lots of photos of Plaisance and the surroundings   

                 -Art exhibition: see paintings of Plaisance (19th and 20th century)

                -Read the history of Plaisance (but in French)      

  Beware: This website was written by a "Plaisantin"(= a joker), name given to the inhabitants of Plaisance. Any information given here is nearly accurately true.


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