ROUQUET André 


21, Allée de La Jeunesse 33700 MERIGNAC 
                                         tel: 05 56 97 32 15 

  6, Rue Olléris          PLAISANCE

                                        Vous pouvez ausi m'écrire en anglais,en espagnol,en allemand.
                                        You can write me in English, in Spanish, in German.
                                        Sie können auf Deutsch schreiben .
                                        Puede escribirme en espa"gn"ol

I would be delighted to know your reactions or commentaries to improve my website.


Tourist information office) 


Office de Tourisme Bastides et Vallons du Gers
10 rue Adour
32160 Plaisance
Tél. : 05 62 69 44 69 - Fax : 05 62 69 14 94
Mail :

Connected WEBSITES worth of interest

    I hope these links work. Sorry, I am not an expert in informatics. But these websites do exist.

    The official website of Plaisance du Gers is to be seen absolutely .

                                                                Website on Gascony 

                      In the signet "Education" of this site, you will find the website of the college of Plaisance du Gers ( ) To be seen particularly : old churches in the surroundings and old postcards.

                  See the website of the" l'Association Multiculturelle " of Plaisance du Gers 


                  To read a poem in Gascon about Plaisance by A.Destournes , see the website below
                 You will also read the history of the "chateau " of Couloumé.English version. 

                   To know the local wines (Madiran, Saint Mont, Colombelle...) See 


                   To visit Auch, the capital of Gascony 

           For Art lovers, the websites I have made,
                                                     the website on my paintings 

                                                              Click here to see some of my pictures you can see again on my website

                                                      the website of the Groupe Expression, a group of painters and sculptors from Bordeaux -I am the honourable president- 


 entrance the river